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Below is the cost for the Voluntary Life Insurance coverage. This will provide an additional life insurance benefit for you, your spouse and/or your dependent child(ren). Contributions for these premiums are 100% employee paid.



Below is the cost for the Voluntary Life Insurance coverage. This will provide an additional life insurance benefit for you, your spouse and/or your dependent child(ren). Contributions for these premiums are 100% employee paid.


Employee Contributions for Voluntary Life Insurance Coverage

Age Schedule Monthly Rate Per $10,000 of Coverage
< 25 $0.26
25-59 $0.26
30-34 $0.26
35-39 $0.35
40-44 $0.53
45-49 $0.88
50-54 $1.23
55-59 $2.11
60-64 $3.60
65-69 $5.62
>70 $8.78

Reminder: Please make sure to update your beneficiary information in Workday.

Employee Contributions for Dependent Life Insurance

Spouse Coverage Monthly Rate
$5,000 $1.35
$10,000 $2.70
Child(ren) Coverage Monthly Rate*
$2,500 $0.40
$5,000 $0.80

*Child rate applies regardless of the number of children covered. Children eligible to age 21 or age 23 if a full-time student.

How to Calculate Voluntary Portable Life Plan Rates:
  1. Total amount of life insurance desired.
  2. Divide Line 1 by $10,000.
  3. Enter rate per $10,000 based on your age from the table above.
  4. Multiply Amount in Line 2 by the Rate in Line 3.